Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Fender Guitar Method - Tom Dooley - Lesson 34

Well I have finally started to learn some chords in The Fender Guitar Method book.  The song Tom Dooley in this lesson only changes between 2 chords 3 times so to the more experienced person, this would be extremely easy.  But to me, it was a little more difficult to get used to.  I had to practice playing each chord C and G7 one at a time over and over again and changing between each of them.  So it took a little time to get used to.  So with this blog entry I play the chords and then I play the melody. 

From the Lesson and the notes above, I interpreted it as only playing downward notes.  If anyone else would interpret it dfferently, please let me know.  So here are the chords.

And here is the Melody.

I think that the trick to getting the chords is to just keep practicing.

Enjoy.  Next up I will be learning the G chord and the D7 chord.


Abdul Mohammed said...

You did v good here c

Unknown said...

Hey Nate I was wondering if you still post videos of your guitar playing? They've been a lot of help to me, greatly because were using the same book. Could you continue post some videos I'm a beginner and your videos are really good at showing how the songs should be played. Thanks and have a good one!

P.S were both lefties as well!